Sunday, 15 May 2016

First 7 days are done.....this week in food

Naysayer: "You are what you eat"
Me: "You must be delusional mate, cos I look like a human being, not a f*cking cheeseburger!

This week has gone pretty well to be honest.  The hardest part has probably been having to be on the receiving end of the never ending stream of ridicule and return karma.  I should have known that my years of constant torment towards my good friend Nitz, regularly implying that his High Protein/Low Carb diet was in fact the Atkin's diet would come back to haunt me.

Over the last five months of working with my student placement Joe, I have berated him for his diet of Chicken/Broccoli for breakfast, lunch and dinner (well it is really stupid!).  Having moved onto a daily lunch myself of Chicken/Green Beans and Peas, I am feeling the sting of the claims of hypocrisy.

Bulk buying chicken like a real Gym Bro!

Mass cooking chicken like a real Gym Bro Pro!

(Gym Bro Tip #1) Peas as so tiny they make you look massive if you hold one in your hand!

 Gym Bro Maths (Macro Man!) - Cutting chicken into pieces of exactly 100g per serving

What have I become! I am even eating Cottage Cheese and Tuna mixed together.  I am told that I need high protein for sick gains.

The issue I am facing now though is that I am in constant fear of not consuming enough protein.  I am having visions of becoming a disheveled protein addict, fishing with a washing line, bent safety pin and (get this!) using chicken dipped in protein powder for bait to ensure that the dirty canal fish I catch has consumed enough protein in order for me to warrant eating the said dirty canal fish which should now after consuming bait laced with "Rocky Road Flavored Extreme BroFit Beef Whey" be a protein Bro himself thus providing enough grams of protein for me to justify what I have just done.

I feel I am loosing it again but I have more to say so I shall press on.  Let me just take a sip of my protein shake to refresh.....(I will also underline something to regather focus)

So how has the exercise gone?

Well I can summarize in the following Table.  I may have to resort to some HTML as I can't find the table button.

MONDAYChest/Back/RunChest, Back and Legs
TUESDAYArmsChest, Back, Legs and Arms
WEDNESDAYLegsChest, Back, Legs, Arms and Eye?
THURSDAYShoulders/Back/RunChest, Back, Legs, Arms, Eye, Head
FRIDAYChest/BackNearly everything
SUNDAYRestCan only move fingers to type....

I am not going to lie, it has been a bloody hard week, even more so with my Birthday on Friday (I had a great time, thanks for all the birthday wishes) bringing so much temptation.  I did have a few beers and a couple of naughty meals, but it would have been rude not to on my Birthday.  They were both very manly cheat meals though:

Meat Platter @ Grillstock, Leicester (I only had a couple of chips and one onion ring)

Game Pie on The Great Central "Real rALEway Train" (along with a few or 7 beers)

So with that it is back to reality next week driving forward and onwards.  If you are still reading, cheers, I hope to see you at the next post.  


Thanks for reading my latest take on life!


P.S Please click here for this week's results

P.P.S (it wouldn't be right if there wasn't a real PS)

A little food for thought.  If you REALLY are what you eat, then I want to know what McDonald's contemporary take on the 'Hamburgler' has been up to!?! Creepy....


  1. You should look on the r/fitness wiki for some good routines. Yours is very bro-y. Maybe try a ppl, push pull legs routine. Hit each muscle group twice a week with a rest. Or an upper lower split. I am doing this now and loving it. Whatever you choose keep it up though man!

  2. You should look on the r/fitness wiki for some good routines. Yours is very bro-y. Maybe try a ppl, push pull legs routine. Hit each muscle group twice a week with a rest. Or an upper lower split. I am doing this now and loving it. Whatever you choose keep it up though man!

    1. Thanks for the advice man. I rather the pain now than in the Boxing ring!
