Enter 04
Tuesday (Session 07/16)
I am going to be honest with you. This was a bad bad day. Work had been a little hectic for everyone and two of my staff decided to break their own healthy eating plans and bring a load of sweets into the office. Caught off guard, my willpower being weak that day, I took the bait and started to get involved. Racked with guilt from eating most of their sweets, I went to the shop and bought another 4 big bags of sweets, a family bag of Walker's ready salted and some Wasabi glaze popcorn, only to get involved all over again! Weak! I then proceeded to have 4 tuna and cheese sandwiches on the forbidden savory fruit that is white bread, along with another bag of crisps. I was OUT OF CONTROL!!!
That night's session at boxing was truly atrocious. I was slow, achy, I had bowels with a mind of their own and a terrible headache even before the blows I suffered due to the poor dietary choices I had made that day. We had our first open sparring session that day consisting of 60 second rounds and I was punched in the face in every single one. My fat chubby little fingers too slow and preoccupied with the energy exerted from the afternoon's sweet picking to clench and raise my fists to guard my food stained mug. I left truly defeated, both physically and mentally.
Thursday (Session 08/16)
Thursday's session was much much better. Purged from the toxins ingested during my glutenous mania on Tuesday I had much more energy and my performance was much much better. Nothing new was added to the repertoire this session and we concentrated on bringing everything together and making sure everything we did was done at the highest quality. Punches being straight, fast at maximum reach. Defense was tight, quick and steadfast. We also drilled the footwork to make sure everyone's stance and movement supported their attacks and retreats.
We finished the session again with some sparring and I shocked myself (and Joe) with a well timed double jab catching him with the second punch right square on the nose. We were both a little stunned. Myself from what was probably the best attack I have made so far and even without full power behind the punch, what the impact can be. And Joe, well he was shocked at being smacked in the face (he did get his revenge about 5 minutes later). We both learnt that night how imperative it is to keep that guard up no matter what.
(Private Session 04)
This week guest starred James Molotoks, a fellow UWCB. Nayan brought him to help analyse my skill set and what I had learnt so far. This I found was a very conductive way of learning and a nice break from the terror of facing a vastly experienced Nayan in sparring. We drilled defense followed by counters which is something that I am hoping to improve my speed on. It was nice to work with someone who was able to exploit my weaknesses to help me improve but also had weaknesses of their own that I could target. It felt like a very authentic experience.
(Extra Group Session 03)
Ran by Fais this week we started with the usual cardio before working on speed training. We did footwork and straight punch drills weighted with dumbbells and cables. After 10 minute of what felt like punching with concrete limbs through custard we were freed from our chains and shadow boxed to commands. Weight free I felt like I was punching fast. Bruce Lee fast. This again was a really educational drill. I left the session feeling pretty good.
We are now officially half way through, only 4 weeks until bout day!
Thanks for reading my latest take on life
P.S Feeling sad and deflated after Tuesday I decided to take some bro pics to cheer me up....
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