Lobster Claw Mittens, yes they are a ting!
Well, after a busy and unhealthy start to my week of annual leave, Tueday's session fast loomed on the horizon. The company of old friends and young nippers made it rude not to partake in the festivities of curry, crisps and fish and chips over the long weekend. So much so that during a trip to the zoo I was mentally calculating the protein content of all the animals we saw, trying to fathom out which would be the most beneficial to my boxing and eating regime. Wrong I know but I blame the painkillers and throbbing ache in my power hand for clouding my judgement and prompting these disturbing thoughts. I am a great believer that the body craves what it needs to grow and heal; milk for bones and teeth, starchy pasta dishes for energy, red bull for the morning after and clearly some sort of forbidden zoo meat for muscle growth. The closest I got however was a horrible moth flying almost in my mouth in the butterfly tent. I bloody hate them! They remind me of dirty old men in dusty jackets.
The Standardised Moth Equation:
One Moth....+
.....One Dirty Old Man....
= One Bad Moth-a-f**ker!
Anyhow, I digress....
Tuesday (Session 11/16)
Due to work, Nayan unfortunately had to cancel our 1 to 1 session on Tuesday which gave me a little more time to....become immobilized, stiff and slow. I spent the extra time doing rubbish odd jobs which inevitably get left until you are off work. Unfortunately these were all computer based which meant couch slouching and bad posture.
The session itself (I am struggling to remember now as I have been too busy to write this blog when I should have done!) went OK and consisted of some repeat drills and sparring matchups. Moving onto 2 minute rounds this provided good experience to what it would be like on the night. Again, as far as I remember it was a mixed kettle of fish with me leading at times and being pummeled at others. Note to self, be consistent.
(Private Session 07)
This was a session slightly different. We worked off the mats with our trainers on due to other classes going on at the same time. It felt good to practice what we had learnt in trainers as that will be very much akin to what it will be like on the night. As my wrist had been progressively getting more sore we kept it light and slappy.
James and I again worked together on drills and sparring. This was the first time we introduced uppercuts into the mix, a great shot especially to take advantage to those who have a habit of leaning in at times, myself included! The work we did here really helped improve my technique in creating angles and openings rather than just boxing head on.
(Session 12/16)
Another one of Fais' mix and match classes. We beasted the standard cardio to start with and powered straight into sparring. I felt a surge of dread as I was faced off with a bloke called Martin.
Now I mean no disrespect to Martin if he is reading this - Hi Martin! He is a fantastic bloke who is super friendly, has time for everyone, he is funny, complimentary and from what I am told will get you a great deal on a used car! I had a great conversation with him the other day about my inconsistent golfing ability and the cruise industry.
However, back to my original point. Martin looks scary, he has the build of a heavy set bouncer, a traditional Leicester accent and owns a garage. My book cover judging skills and stereotyping ability went into overdrive. I had drilled with him briefly in week two and he was wild. He scared the hell out of me. However when matched up I tried to remember all that I had learnt and from the safety of my keyboard, in my tartan pyjamas and fluffy slippers....I felt I wiped the floor with him. There. I said it.
To Martin's credit he paid me some great compliments about my fighting skill which was great to hear. The thing we both had in common is that we knew our mistakes. We were able to talk each other through how to avoid these weaknesses and play on our strengths. Knowing Martin's secret weapon I think he will be a tough opponent on the night. All the best Martin and I hope to share a beer with you afterwards.
After this ego trip I was promptly brought back down to earth by someone who I have not yet spoken to, yet I assumed with their well groomed meterosexual haircut that they would be a piece of cake. It was not to be for me :-( He battered me.
To top it all off, not wanting to let my pride go I pushed too far past the pain in my wrist for the final HITT cardio that I knackered my wrist to the point I had to miss out on both weekend sessions. Idiot!
The rest of the weekend was a blur of surprise parties, BBQs and cake...lots of cake. I am not normally a eater of cake, especially birthday cake. Yet for some reason this weekend I went cake crazy!
Well, that brings me to the end of this long, rambling post. Thanks for reading my latest take on life!
P.S This week in order to alleviate my wrist pain I have been constantly spaying myself with a freeze spray which only really seems to have resulted in me smelling like the breath of one of your grandparents who insists the cure to all of life's ills and diseases is cherry flavored cough drops. I then found this video. I am sure that this device's freeze effect would be much more potent....