Friday, 24 June 2016

A Political Interval....LEAVE or REMAIN? It doesn't matter, you can still donate ;-)

"Whatever you voted, it doesn't change your ability to donate"

After many weeks of campaigning from both sides, celebrities and those prominent in the spotlight spinning their views and subsequent crap storm created across social media land, the UK woke up this morning to the news that the UK is to leave the EU.

After taking up this challenge for reasons I have previously explained, I really think people are starting to loose focus on the important things in life.

Regardless of whether people agree with the result or not, ask yourself, have you woken up this morning facing your own mortality? Have you woken up to a family member no longer there? 

For some people across the world this is sadly true, so in the grand scheme of things the whole referendum and the who is wrong and who is right debate will be taking a back seat.  Remember, whatever happens the world still turns.  You have to fight to survive, fight for what you believe in.  You have to "DO" to make a change.  If people gave up every time things didn't go their way we would not get anywhere.

Either way, the Earth wouldn't care.  The sun will still shine, the night will still come and the whole cycle will start again the next day.

We achieve great things by working together, be that together in the EU or together out outside of it.  We have not lost the ability to help and and support one another overnight.  As individuals this does not change us.  We still have free will to do good.

A great read is Join Me: The true story of a man who started a cult by accident by Danny Wallace. 

The general philosophy of the Join Me movement revolves around Random Acts of Kindness (RAK).  This started out as an encouragement to commit a RAK every Friday however this soon transpired to any day of the week or whenever you can.  Why be confined to being kind and supporting your fellow person on a Friday?  Nothing changes from day to day, there is nothing stopping anyone supporting their fellow persons.  Therefore the result of this referendum does not stop this either.

My Grandma is always speaking of the days growing up in a community where service sharing was common place.  It was not a catastrophe if a young couple with little money were expecting a baby.  Your community would be there for you.  Your best friend would help with your cleaning, your next door neighbor would share their food if you were short, Doreen's husband would fix your mangler if it broke.  People were there for you.  Therefore, when the lady across the street had her 8th child, you would help with her cleaning, you would babysit the other children and give them your baby's hand me down clothes.  No expectation to the exchange of money, just friendship and a genuine willingness to help, knowing that you could count on others to return the favor when you were in need.

Now this utopia may no longer be realistic, the unfortunate reality of our current climate is that we do need money to get by.  However there is nothing stopping us hailing back to as my Grandma puts it, "The good ol' days."  We haven't lost the capacity to be nice and look out for one another.

As usual I have rambled on, but I hope you get the general consensus of my point.  I will leave you with my comment to all the bickerers on Facebook.

Thanks for reading my latest take on life!



Regardless of how people voted, lets all keep it intellectual and respectful. Everyone's vote deserved to be a personal choice. Let's face it, those in the limelight will have voted to support their own agenda regardless of their stance of in and out, so why is it wrong that the public do the same?
What has really saddened me is the stooping to name calling and accusations, stereotyping the voters of both camps. How is that helpful? It basically amounts to name calling, sticks and stones; none of which is going to help the future of our country.
Whichever way the result were to go there was going to be fallout, there were going to be successes and there were going to be failures.
The decision has now been made so please all stop being childish name calling, goading losers with "sour grapes" and winners with "I hope you are pleased with yourself, you just wait to see."
Deal with the decision and work together to make our country succeed whatever it takes. Help your fellow persons, give and receive in kind and generally treat others how you expect to be treated yourself. Support one another.
To all the LEAVE voters, you made this happen so stick to your guns and show the REMAIN camp why you cast your vote and prove you can make it work.
To all the REMAIN voters, don't be hypocritical. You said a vote to LEAVE was giving up on the EU. Now things have not gone your way, practice what you preach and don't give up on the UK.
I think you will find that if you asked both camps to list the top 5 issues that concerns them in the UK right now, I am sure there would be some overlap. The question you need to ask yourself is how do we fix the issues raised in that overlap. That is how we can all work together for a successful future.
Sensible comments welcome, no more rubbish mudslinging.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Ticketing Information - Get Your Tickets Reserved ASAP before they sell out!

"Don't miss your chance to witness me getting punched in the noggin'!"

Hi All,

This post is a FYI in order to organise tickets for the Ultra White Collar Boxing Event I am taking part in. 

I have to purchase the tickets in advance in order to meet my quota therefore all ticket sales need to be via myself.

There are two tiers of tickets:

£500 (£50pp when split between the 10 seats) VIP Table - These are early entry, ringside seats, waitress services all night and includes a 2 course meal.

£20 Standing Tickets

I have to purchase the tickets in blocks so I really need to know who is coming and what tier you would like.

I have to purchase at least one table, however if there is enough interest I will purchase another if I can fill it.

I really appreciate everyone's support and it would be super awesome if you could be there on the night as it means we will be raising even more money to 'Smash Cancer In The Face!'

So I would be really grateful if wish to attend that you contact me ASAP to let me know if you would like a Table Seat or a Standing ticket.  Also let me know how many tickets you would like and who they are for.  As you would expect, I will be creating a spreadsheet.  I bloody love spreadsheets.

Below is UWCB Event FAQ:


Dress Code
We operate a VERY strict dress code policy - Minimum Shirt, Tie, Trousers and Shoes for the Men. Evening dresses for ladies, or suitable smart trousers and a blouse.
No Jeans, Trainers, Chinos, Leggings, Checked Shirts or Scruffs. Please Dress to impress.

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
Yes you must be 18 or over to enter one of our events ID May be requested on the door.

Is my registration/ticket transferable?
No, Tickets are not transferable

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
There will be a list at the door, which will include the names of people who have purchased online, please bring your mobile so that we can check your online ticket.

What is the refund policy?
We do not offer any refunds and tickets are non transferable.


If you have any further questions, feel free to drop me a line :-)



Wednesday, 15 June 2016



Hi All, 

Just a quick update.  I have been notified by the Ultra White Collar Boxing team that due to a clash in fixtures with the Leicester City Vs Arsenal game on the original date of the 20th August, the boxing event has now been moved back.

The new date for the event is Saturday 10th September 2016

Apologies to all those who have been good enough to make plans in advance.  I ask kindly that you all amend the date in your diaries and still please come to support me and the great cause :-) 

Kind Regards

Stephen Milton

Saturday, 4 June 2016

I got the DOMS, I got the DOMS....Terror at 4:45am

OK, so this maybe the shortest post yet however this does not constitute the weekly update.

Right, so it is currently 4:45am and I have woken up and rats have eaten their way through my lower spinal cord, entered my legs and now proceed to be having 90s style light switch raves in my limbs.  They are franticly dancing, to a beat beyond the pace of hard house, techno or GABA. In fact they have invented a whole new genere of club music which is too fast to become mainstream. As they conga through my coronary carriers they are nibbling at the electronics that is my central nervous system sending my own legs into a mental frenzy of a non standard display of physical showmanship, almost like I am performing a mating ritual to the ceiling light. I am a puppet to their agenda, flipping and flopping at their mercy.

After entering the search terms "symptoms of certain death" and "what happens if a rat eats it's way into my body,  could I catch herpes?" It turns out a have what appears to be Acute DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

Well whoever came up with that acronym needs to be put into a tank with 1000 bubonic rats and smeared with peanut butter. Nothing kinky about that but they clearly do not know what they are talking about!

In retrospect yesterday's boot camp wasn't a mistake and has made me think 1) I can work harder and 2) I can achieve more. 

I may write more on this experience later on today if the rats ever leave and I can crawl my way to my computer. Typing this on a phone really sucks. As does sitting in bed as straight as a board, unable to move with the evil rat King tormenting my insides.

Thanks for reading my latest take on night (think of it as a low budget spin off of Life)


P.S Arrraghhh! The rats have made their way North! So long groin :-(